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Oriental and Chinese Cooking Recipes
Okay all you Asian and Oriental recipe lovers, we've got you covered! People all over the world love oriental cooking. We know just what you need- - RECIPES-- and we are going to give you lots of them. Along the way, we will insert a few tidbits- - tips, quotes and other "Stuff" to make your recipe surfing interesting and fun. Did You Know? Consecotaleophobia is the fear of chopsticks By another name: When we seek recipes from Asia, we often think in different terms, as Asia the largest continent on earth, has many countries and varying oriental cuisine. Best known are Chinese recipes, Thai food, stir fries of all kinds, and Japanese sushi. But, these only are the tip of a very large iceberg of recipes.
Here are recipes and culinary information for cooking and serving chinese and other oriental foods.
Oriental Cooking: Oriental food can be found almost anywhere on the planet. It is the staple of the diets in Asia. It is common in America and Europe areas as well. It is less common or absent from some third world and developing nations, being difficult to find in countries such as Mexico. Although you can find two or three Mexican style restaurants in a Chinese city like Shanghai for example, this writer has not found a Chinese style restaurant in Mexico. Oriental food is native to Asia, and often thought of as "Chinese" food. In actuality, Oriental cooking is as different and plentiful as the cultures in this region. Many perceive oriental cooking as an art form or science. Call it what you will, it is just plain tastes good. There are numerous styles of Chinese food. Generally divided into Northern versus Southern styles. The most common(best known) types of Chinese or Oriental food around the world are:
Other styles or sub-groups include: Anhui, Beijing, Fujian, Heinan, Juangxi, Shangdong, Yangzhou, Zhejiang
A plethora of recipe sites exist on the net. You will be well served to link to one if the below sites. They have been chosen for content(lots of good recipes) variety, and ease of use.
Other and Trivia: Eggrolls- Where is that Egg roll? If the origin of the eggroll is from China, you would not know it. The closest thing you will find to an eggroll is a spring roll which is much smaller, little more than bite sized. If anyone knows the origin of the Eggroll, please write us! Fortune Cookies- Like the eggroll, you will not find a fortune cookie on China. It is not a Chinese invention. Dim Sum- is a popular dish in China. But what exactly is in it? It is a dumpling stuffed with a wide variety of things, served by itself, in sauces, and in soup. Dim Sum can be an entire meal by serving several courses, each serving with something different in it. Served this way, it's a real taste treat.
Chinese Vegetables: Chinese vegetables were largely absent from the home garden only a few years ago. They have quickly grown in popularity and a large number of homeowners are growing at least one variety. Seed companies have responded in kind and offer a wide variety of Chinese vegetables. Growing them is similar to growing their larger North American cousins. Learn more about Chinese and Asian Vegetables For more information visit: The Gardener's Net which has a page on Chinese vegetables. Grow your own Chinese vegetables and herbs- It's easy, fun, and different. There are also a wide variety of other Chinese vegetables that you can grow in your backyard.
Share your favorite Chinese, Oriental or other Asian recipes with others. Make sure to include your name, city and state, so we can give you the proper credit for your contribution. Email a recipe now. |
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