Impress your family and friends with you knowledge of adorable and lovable
panda bears. Here is some great giant panda bear facts and trivia:
Giant Panda bears are an endangered species.
China considers panda bears a national treasure.
While sometimes referred to as "beasts", pandas are actually quite shy.
An estimated 3,000 panda bears exist in the wild.
There is approximately 600 in zoos and breeding facilities.
Panda bears are excellent climbers.
Pandas can swim.
There are Giant Panda bears in over 100 zoos around the world.
In the U.S., pandas are in the Washington DC, San Diego, Atlanta and Memphis
The first giant panda born in captivity was born in the Beijing zoo in 1963.
At birth a panda weighs just 4 to 8 ounces.
Pandas grow to over 350 pounds.
The average life span is 15 to 25 years.
Baby cubs are born pink and blind. They gain their eyesight in 6-8 weeks.
Giant pandas spend up to 14 hours eating, most of their waking hours. Their
diet consists primarily of bamboo. The will consume the leaves, stalk and
The bears have an extra digit on their hands to allow them to tear up bamboo
Pandas make their home in caves or hollowed out logs.
Giant Panda Bears do not hibernate.
Panda bears are loners, only getting together with another panda to mate.
Giant Pandas are a member of the Bear (Ursidae) family.
Giant panda bears and red pandas are not related.
A group of pandas is called an "Embarrassment". They were given this name
due to their clumsy nature.
Ailurarctos or "cat bear" is an early ancestor of the giant Panda, going
back over 8 million years ago.
A panda fur is worth between $60,000 and $100,000 on the illegal black market.
Giant pandas are the symbol of the International World Wildlife Federation.
Pandas are playful.
Its cousin, the red panda is also called "Lesser Panda"

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